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      Closed gear box

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      Closed gear box

        In September 2007, the company production of multi cylinder long mesh paper machine test success, officially put into production

        The arrangement form of paper machine

        16 meters long nets + 900/ Phi Phi Phi 1350 + 800 vacuum press roll press +18 + 700 Phi Phi 1500 group of cylinder inclined type sizing machine +8 with 1500 cylinder group + level pneumatic reel

        In this paper machine, our company's own production of large diameter roller press, closed gearbox successful test run!  Our company invested in the Fuyang Zhenghua paper 3600 Nissan 100 tons of high-strength corrugated paper production line in November 25, 2007 the end of the installation, commissioning began in December 7th, December 8th officially out of paper! Zhenghua paper address: Dayuan town of Fuyang City Industrial Zone

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